Charitable Programs


The VFWmc Empire Shapter participates in and runs a number of comunity programs.

For more information please have a look at our list of programs below.



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Charitable Programs: 

  • Food Box Program – Our Food Box program was started in cooperation with the Temecula Valley (VFW) Post 4089 in 2010. The program was originally created to help Veterans and widowed spouses who were in need of food assistance. In late 2011 the VFW-MC accepted full responsibility of this program and it was expanded to help families of deployed (personnel) and seniors living on fixed incomes. 

From 2012-14 we provided over 18,000 meals but felt more could be done. In 2014 this program was again expanded. Now, in addition to providing monthly meals we do the actual cooking and serving of meals at various locations, including the Ronald McDonald House (located at The Rady Children’s Hospital), the Temecula Senior Center and a wide variety of other locations. Most recently we provided meals to 230 wheelchair athletes at the Brad Rich Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, in which the Warrior Foundation – Freedom Station had a team competing. 

Another addition is our holiday meal program. During Thanksgiving and Christmas we deliver full holiday meals to families and seniors who are in need. These meals contain everything a family of 4 needs for a wonderful holiday celebration. We started this program in 2015 and were able to provide 25 meals for each holiday. As of 2017 we are now able to provide 60 meals for each holiday. 

Currently we provide just over 1,100 meals a month, not counting the various holiday meals or the ones we cook and serve ourselves. This is one of our most successful programs and encompasses San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. None of this would be possible without the strong support of our local governments and businesses. 

  • Homeless Outreach – We started the Homeless outreach program in conjunction with the San Diego Operation Standown Our San Diego Chapter has provided, prepared and served food for Operating Standown since 2005. In 2012 we have expanded this program to outreach to all cover Riverside County. The goal of our Outreach program is to give a hand up to homeless Veterans with the goal of getting them off the street, becoming self- supporting and moving forward in life. While we know this may not always be possible that is the end goal of our program. We help provide sustenance, assist with obtaining: Counseling, Temporary Lodging, Clothing, Toiletries, Medical Care and benefits due the Veteran. This Program encompasses San Diego, Riverside, Imperial and San Bernardino Counties. 
  • Never Forget- The Never Forget Program is how we as Veterans, Honor those that have come before us. The Never Forget Program Helps fill needs at the Chula Vista Veterans Home in San Diego County. We provide funding for improvements or needs at the facilities. We visit with the Veterans and show our support by being there with them. The newest goal of this Program is to start providing the same support to the Bartow Veterans Home in Barstow, CA. We want to ensure these Veterans know that we still support them and that their early life sacrifices count. 
  • Veterans Support Program – The Veterans Support Program was started in 2015. The program provides a wide variety of assistance for veterans and their families in time of need. All services and assistance is provided free of charge.This includes but is not limited to: 
  • Emergency home repair for veterans and families of deployed military members  
  • Family assistance for deployed personal
  • Emergency car repairs for families of deployed military members
  • Warrior Support
    • This includes acquiring and training of service dogs
    • Provide airfare for Wounded Warriors to fly home for the holidays and also assisting family members to visit those who could not travel due to their injuries.
  • Safe Home Inspections – The newest program for the VFW-MC is called the Home Safety Inspection Program. This program is specifically targeted towards three community populations, which are: senior citizens, veterans and families of deployed military personnel. A fully certified Home Inspector goes through the home/apartment/condo and does a basic safety inspection and provides recommendations for improving the safety of all living there. This inspection is tailored based on the ages of the people in the family. For example, child safety latches are critically for families with young toddlers but they are a nightmare for seniors living on their own. This program was started in July 2017 and over 120 inspections were done its first 6 months.